Pimples On Back

The pimples on back and chest, very similar to those we have on face, can be attributed to the same hormonal factors causing the facial pimple. The emotional factors like stress and strains also play their roles. Pimples on back may become quite embarrassing -   to speak specifically of the public setup of swimming pool or in gymnasium - when baring one’s body is very common and natural. In the context one’s love-life and intimacy, pimples on back may cause serious emotional set back.
The surface on back or chest is much wider than our face; often the pimples or acne find ample area for overgrowth under acute circumstances. The back and chest have thousands of sebaceous glands secreting excess oily substances leading to clogged pores. Needless to emphasize, frequent perspiration or sweating, owing to overactive sweat gland, also adversely affects the pimples. Our dress-habits also play some role here too. Tight attires or dresses which limit the air-flow to skin, are also bad for pimples or acne. The synthetic materials such as Lycra and Polyester trap in perspiration which can easily get mixed with surface oils, accentuating the clogging of pores. The blockage traps skin oil which sets s a convenienet and fertile ground for  breeding acne bacteria. The profusion of bacteria along with the  proliferation of oil and skin cells, sometimes break the pore wall, prompting the body to exercise immune response. As a result of the response, we often see  redness and formation of pus. It is often said that those who have oily skin may have high susceptibility to back acne.

The skin on the back is also thicker than the facial skin, which adds more challenges in combating pimples on back rather than on face.Also, we encounter some natural disadvantages in treating pimples or acne on back.It is  important to note that we cannot easily access the entire surface on back with our own hands, as compared with other parts of the body. The relative inaccessibility or limited visibility of the affected surface on back (without mirror), sometimes prompt us to do voluntary or involuntary nail-scratching. Often, we do the scratching impelled by - what we call- reflex action. The indiscriminate nail scratching impacts, in a big way, and worsens the existing area under affliction, thereby aggravating the pimples on back. The bad habit of popping the pimples on back (with help from others), without adopting any hygienic practice, is also harmful for pimples.  For the same reason, in the context of physical cleanliness and hygiene, our back remains relatively a remote and neglected area. The recurrent and chronic cases of pimples on back may often degenerate into acne keloid, which has difficult treatment options  .Also, it may cause whiteheads  and deep cystic blemishes.